Agreement Not to Sue, Indemnification, and Hold Harmless Agreement Jewelry making, metalsmithing, and ceramics ARE INHERENTLY DANGEROUS ACTIVITIES.
As such, Laborata Studio LLC, requires all persons attending Laborata Studio classes, or workshops, for jewelry making, metalsmithing, and ceramics, OR using any Laborata Studio Equipment or facilities for jewelry making, metalsmithing, and ceramics to sign this release and waiver of responsibility.
I, (Participant Information) on behalf of myself, understand that jewelry making, metalsmithing, and ceramics are inherently dangerous activities and acknowledge that the following inherent risks are associated with such activities, including without limitation:
(1) The use of and exposure to superheated gases, and torches
(2) Handling hot metals and solder
(3) Exposure to sharp objects
(4) Exposure to power tools
(5) Latent risks associated with exposure to potentially dangerous chemicals and other hazardous materials.
I understand that my negligence or failure to act within my abilities may contribute to or result in an injury and that Laborata Studio, its instructors, founders and monitors will not provide me with any medical treatment or pay for any medical or other treatment expenses should I become sick or injured. Laborata Studio and its instructors, staff, board members, and monitors hereby specifically disclaims any and all responsibility or liability for, and I, on behalf of myself and my heirs, next of kin, spouse, guardians, legal representative, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns hereby knowingly and intelligently release Laborata Studio. and its instructors, staff, board members, and monitors from any and all claims, whether known or unknown, which I may have relating to:
(1) any and all damages to the student or any personal property of the student, including without limitation, indirect and consequential damages or injuries as a direct or indirect result of the inherent risks of jewelry making, metalsmithing, and ceramics;
(2) any liability relating to instruction, construction, design, or use of any Laborata Studio equipment or facilities, manufacture of any product, or any other activity undertaken in conjunction with classes, and workshops, at Laborata Studio or as a result of the use or application of information given or contained in any class, or workshop, offered by Laborata Studio or contained in any writing given to me by Laborata Studio or;
(3) any actions taken by me while on the Laborata Studio premises with respect to construction, design, use of equipment or facilities or manufacture of any product.
I hereby represent and warrant under no duress and on my own free will that I understand that I will be responsible for all actions taken at Laborata Studio, including without limitation, use of equipment and facilities.
I understand that I am solely responsible for any and all damages, whether direct or consequential, for the use and application of information given at any class, or workshop, or contained in any writing distributed by the Laborata Studio staff, instructors or representatives.
Safety in the Jewelry Studio
(1). Always wear safety glasses when cutting metal and using equipment.
(2). Keep hair tied back.
(3). Do not wear articles of clothing or jewelry that hang off the body.
(4). Do not wear open toed or open heeled footwear (i.e., flip-flops, sandals or clogs) in the jewelry studio. Wear long pants during class.
(5). Do not use any equipment without an instructor present.
(6). Jewelry classes involving soldering are not appropriate for pregnant women.
Students are considered registered when tuition is paid in full. Payment is required and will be processed at the time of registration. If, after paying, a student is unable to attend, tuition will be refunded; less a $25 processing fee (in addition to any online processing fees if paid online). Refund is possible only if student withdraws (by phone or in writing) at least 10 days prior to the first class.